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I'm a student of Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya.

If your dream has not been achieved, never change your dream but change your strategy

About Me

My name is Shofira Izza Nurrohmah, I'm usually called Shofi or Shofira. I am a graduate of MAN 2 Kota Madiun majoring in Science. I like subjects related to religion, mathematics, and biology. At now, I'm studying at Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic majoring in Informatics Engineering.

In high school, I didn't join some extracurriculars or organizations but I was able to work as a team. I am a person who is not confident and not good at speaking in front of many people. Besides that, I am also a disciplined and organized person. I will plan an activity so that I can complete my task on time.


My Projects

Tugas 1 : Membuat Blog Pribadi

Cara Membuat Blog Pribadi dengan Hosting PENS :

  1. Masuk di halaman web hosting PENS dan login menggunakan akun PENS!

  2. Maka muncul tampilan dari halaman web hosting seperti berikut!

  3. Kemudian upload folder atau file HTML!

  4. Tunggu proses upload folder atau file hingga selesai!

  5. Buka halaman web hosting dan lihat hasilnya, jika tidak error maka akan menampilkan sesuai folder/file yang telah di-upload.

Tugas 2 : PPT Teknologi Internet dan Dampaknya Dalam Sektor Perdagangan

*Berikut merupakan tampilan dalam bentuk slideshow

Noted : Click titik 3 bagian bawah untuk menampilkan notes dari PowerPoint!

Tugas 3 : Looping menggunakan JavaScript

*Berikut merupakan tampilan dalam bentuk PDF

Contact Me

Copyright © 2022 Shofira Izza.